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Blogging with VuePress

· 5 min read

TLDR; This article guides you not only how to create your blog but also how to continuously deploy with Github Actions. Even you are completely new to static site generators, it is very easy to get started with.

Why VuePress?

When it comes to blogging, there are millions of ways to create one. So why did I choose VuePress?

Frankly, there was no particular reason for me to start with VuePress over other static site generators like Gatsby or Hugo. It's mainly because of that I was learning VueJS. After using it, I would say VuePress is worth trying. Like VueJS, its tooling is friendly and the documentation is awesome.

Getting started with VuePress


Let's start with installing vuepress and the blog theme @vuepress/theme-blog:

mkdir my-blog && cd my-blog
yarn add vuepress @vuepress/theme-blog -D
  • vuepress is a minimalistic static site generator.
  • @vuepress/theme-blog provides blog plugin as well as the default blog theme for VuePress.


VuePress configuration file is .vuepress/config.js. Its parameters are well documented here. However, for the sake of simplicity, we begin with:

module.exports = {
title: "My blog",
description: "This is another blog.",

VuePress also provides some commands to make things easy:

  • vuepress dev starts the blog locally for testing & debugging
  • vuepress build generates static sites in .vuepress/dist for deployment

I'll add them to package.json for convenience:

"scripts": {
"dev": "vuepress dev", // starts a development server with automatic reload.
"build": "vuepress build" // builds your website.

You can check more commands in its documentation.

Cool, now you can run yarn dev and head to localhost:8080 to see your blog!

You should see the 404 page as there is no content yet.

Home page

VuePress uses Markdown for preparing content. For example, will automatically be converted into index.html. I'll add these few lines to as an example for the home page:

title: About
<h1> Hi world! </h1>

This is my blog.

The section between --- at the beginning of the Markdown file is called Frontmatter. There are other parameters like date or tags.


The default theme looks pretty and it works well for me. I'm going to use it for this blog which is @vuepress/blog. Applying a theme is as simple as one line change in config.js:

module.exports = {
theme: "@vuepress/blog" // @vuepress/theme-blog also works

You can find more themes from here.

Blog posts

Conventions is the key, blog posts will be placed inside _posts and we will have the following directories structure:

├── _posts
│ └──
├── .vuepress
│ └── config.js
└── package.json

No one would stop you from having your own structure; however you will need to experiment it on your own. I'm starting the very first entry for this blog:

title: The first entry
date: 2020-04-29
This is my first blog entry.

VuePress then will generate the post in localhost:8080/post/2020/04/29/hello-world.html and the index page in localhost:8080/.

Ops, my home page is overriden!

No problem, we can move the index page to a different path (/posts/) by adding these lines to config.js:

module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
directories: [
// Unique ID of current classification
id: "post",
// Target directory
dirname: "_posts",
// Path of the `entry page` (or `list page`)
path: "/posts/",
nav: [
text: "Blog",
link: "/posts/",
  • directories allows to configure document classifiers. So you can add writing or photography there.
  • nav is for the navigation bar. I prefer simplicity so Blog is enough for me.

Deployment with Github Actions


Thanks to Github, CD (aka continuous delivery) is now a no-brainer task. Everything you need is just to create .github/workflows/deploy.yml with these lines:

name: Deploy
- master
name: Build and Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: Install and Build
run: yarn && yarn build

- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: .vuepress/dist

And push it to your repository, mine is Deployment will be triggered for every push to master.

Don't forget to add .gitignore to exclude some generated files from your repository. Your commands should be like:

echo "node_modules" >> .gitignore
echo "dist" >> .gitignore
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]:bongnv/my-blog.git
git push -u origin master

Base path

In my case, the blog URL is However, it shows 404 because the base path by default is root (/). Adding this line to config.js will make it work:

module.exports = {
base: "/my-blog/"

Your local blog will become localhost:8080/my-blog instead.


Those are simplified steps to blog with VuePress, it should give you a simple blog to start writing. There are many things to explore deeper like Vue components inside Markdown, the plugins system. You could check out: