Enable the dark theme in Gatsby
A dark theme is a cool feature to have for a website. It was designed to reduce the luminance emitted by device screens and to improve visual ergonomics by reducing eye strain. However, it is perhaps the most complicated part of building my blog. I, therefore, feel that it would be helpful to write down my experience when implementing the feature.
I have been viewing a couple of blogs with dark theme support. The feature can be easily noticed by a switch to turn the dark theme on or off. Some of them even enable the dark theme as soon as I visit the site based on my machine setting. They are also able to store my preference so the website can render the proper theme when I revisit it. Given that, I decided to implement the feature for my blog. It should:
- Have a switch to turn the dark theme on or off.
- Store user preferences so the blog can show properly next time when the user visits.
That sounds simple, right? No, it's not at least for me.
Building layout
Adding a switch
This is the easiest part so I started with it first. Thanks to react-feather, I have two cool icons: and . Next, I create a wrapper of them to reuse it in both the desktop navigation menu and the mobile navigation menu:
const DarkModeSwitcher: FC = () => {
const [darkMode, setDarkMode] = React.useState(false);
const handleClick = (): void => {
const newMode = !darkMode;
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>
{darkMode ? <Moon className="moon hidden" /> : <Sun className="sun" />}
export default DarkModeSwitcher;
This simple component uses the function useState
which is a React Hook to change the icon back and forth when a user clicks. For the functionality to change the color theme, we will add later.
Adding CSS
My website uses TailwindCSS which has no support for dark themes out of the box. Therefore, I need to create a CSS file to have different color schemes for light and dark variants. The vars.css
would look like:
:root {
--color-background: theme("colors.gray.100");
--color-foreground: theme("colors.gray.900");
--color-primary: theme("colors.indigo.600");
--color-surface: theme("colors.gray.200");
--color-inline-surface: theme("colors.gray.300");
--color-divider: theme("colors.gray.300");
--color-red: theme("colors.red.700");
--color-pink: theme("colors.pink.700");
--color-green: theme("colors.green.700");
--color-gray: theme("colors.gray.700");
--color-orange: theme("colors.orange.700");
--color-blue: theme("colors.blue.700");
--color-yellow: theme("colors.yellow.700");
html[lights-out] {
--color-background: theme("colors.gray.900");
--color-foreground: theme("colors.gray.100");
--color-primary: theme("colors.indigo.400");
--color-surface: theme("colors.gray.800");
--color-inline-surface: theme("colors.gray.700");
--color-divider: theme("colors.gray.700");
--color-red: theme("colors.red.300");
--color-pink: theme("colors.pink.300");
--color-green: theme("colors.green.300");
--color-gray: theme("colors.gray.300");
--color-orange: theme("colors.orange.300");
--color-blue: theme("colors.blue.300");
--color-yellow: theme("colors.yellow.300");
It has a light color scheme by default and a dark color scheme with the attribute lights-out
. It means we only need to toggle the HTML attribute to switch from light theme and dark theme. To present the idea in codes, only one line of codes in the function DarkModeSwitcher
is needed. It is like below:
const LIGHTS_OUT = "lights-out";
const handleClick = (): void => {
const newMode = !darkMode;
document.documentElement.toggleAttribute(LIGHTS_OUT, newMode); // new codes
Having those variables is not enough, we need to use them in our codes. Here is an example of how to use them:
* {
background-color: var(--color-background);
color: var(--color-foreground);
For those who may wonder, I use the default color palette from TailwindCSS. Also, I use light gray and dark gray instead of white
and black
to reduce eye strain following this guideline.
Storing user preference
For storage solution, I use localStorage
because of its simplicity. Then there are two problem left which are storing to localStorage
and loading from localStorage
Storing to localStorage
This is the easier part. I only need to add one line of codes to the function handleClick
window.localStorage.setItem(LIGHTS_OUT, mode ? "true" : "false");
Every time users click on the switch, we store the preference to localStorage
Loading from localStorage
Loading is trickier. Initially, I thought we only need these lines in the component constructor:
const DarkModeSwitcher: FC = () => {
const storedDarkMode = window.localStorage.getItem(LIGHTS_OUT) === "true"; // new codes
const [darkMode, setDarkMode] = React.useState(storedDarkMode);
// other codes
Then I realized that gatsby build
would fail because window
is not available when Gatsby render sites on the server side aka SSR. We could move client-only codes to componentDidMount
by using the useEffect
hook. However, it would lead to a flickering issue for those we use dark theme because the site is loaded with light theme initially and it changes to dark right after being rendered.
React Context then came into the picture. It allows us to have client-only codes in gatsby-browser.js
and sends the data deep down to our DarkModeSwitcher
. In detail, I will start with a new Context object to store whether it's in dark mode or not. I add src/context/theme-mode.tsx
import React from "react";
const LIGHTS_OUT = "lights-out";
const getInitialDarkMode = (): boolean => {
const darkMode = window.localStorage.getItem(LIGHTS_OUT);
return darkMode === "true";
const defaultContext = {
darkMode: false,
setDarkMode: (_: boolean): void => {},
export const ThemeContext = React.createContext(defaultContext);
interface ThemeProviderProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
export const ThemeProvider: React.FC<ThemeProviderProps> = ({
}: ThemeProviderProps) => {
const [darkMode, setDarkModeState] = React.useState(getInitialDarkMode());
const setDarkMode = (mode: boolean): void => {
document.documentElement.toggleAttribute(LIGHTS_OUT, mode);
window.localStorage.setItem(LIGHTS_OUT, mode ? "true" : "false");
return (
<ThemeContext.Provider value={{ darkMode, setDarkMode }}>
The Logic is very similar to our DarkModeSwitcher
component. However, it introduces getInitialDarkMode
to load information from localStorage
and it uses that value as the initial state.
As we can get dark mode information from React Context, DarkModeSwitcher
becomes simpler:
const DarkModeSwitcher: FC = () => {
const { darkMode, setDarkMode } = React.useContext(ThemeContext);
const handleClick = (): void => {
return (
<button className="focus:outline-none" onClick={handleClick}>
{darkMode ? <Moon /> : <Sun />}
In order for DarkModeSwitcher
to load the data from ThemeContext
, I need to wrap the application inside the Context Provider which means adding below lines to gatsby-browser.js
export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (
wrapRootElement.propTypes = {
element: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
To wrap it up, the website at this stage should have a button to switch from dark theme to light and vice versa. It is also able to store and load user preferences to and from localStorage
for next visits.
Flickering on the first load
Before going into the issue, here is how I tested the Gatsby site before production:
yarn build && yarn serve
Basically, it builds the site with production options and serves it under the default port 9000. Heading to http://localhost:9000
, testing around, I found that the site flicker from the light theme to the dark theme on the first load. The reason is that the site was built without user's preferences and its default theme is the light theme. After loading from localStorage
, it changes to the dark theme; hence, we see the site changes from the light theme to the dark theme very quickly.
My fix would require some knowledge of Gatsby. The idea is to add a piece of script on top of pre-rendered HTML codes so it is guaranteed to run before rendering the site. The script loads data from localStorage
and updates the HTML attribute to ensure the site is rendered with the proper theme. In order to achieve this, I use the API onRenderBody
in gatsby-ssr.js
. The codes would look like:
export const onRenderBody = ({ setHeadComponents }) => {
const script = `
const LIGHTS_OUT = "lights-out";
const darkMode = window.localStorage.getItem(LIGHTS_OUT) === "true";
document.documentElement.toggleAttribute(LIGHTS_OUT, darkMode);
return setHeadComponents([
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: script }}
Until now, the solution is complete. There is a switcher in order to turn the dark mode on and off. And the site is loaded with saved preferences in local storage for next visit. And most importantly, there is no flickering between the light theme and the dark them when users open the site.
Reactive CSS
The above solution works perfectly; however, I still find it a bit complicated and requires some knowledge on React & Gatsby. It motivated me to look for a simpler approach which is called Reactive CSS
. Per my understanding, it means CSS is reactive so instead of maintain a React state, we use CSS to render the switcher:
return (
<button onClick={handleClick} aria-label="Dark Mode">
<Moon className="moon" />
<Sun className="sun" />
and its style is defined in css file:
html[lights-out] .sun {
display: none;
html[lights-out] .moon {
display: block;
.moon {
display: none;
As a result, Moon
icon or Sun
icon will be displayed based on whether there is a lights-out
attribute in the root html or not. We no longer need ThemeContext
nor the api wrapRootElement
in gatsby-browser.js
. Moreover, DarkModeSwitcher
no longer requires an internal state, and it instead loads and updates the html attribute directly:
const DarkModeSwitcher: FC = () => {
const handleClick = (): void => {
const newMode = document.documentElement.toggleAttribute(LIGHTS_OUT);
window.localStorage.setItem(LIGHTS_OUT, newMode ? "true" : "false");
return <button>/* codes */</button>;
Codes now become much shorter, hence, easier to maintain.
To summarize, two solutions were described in this post:
- One solution with complicated techniques in React, Gatsby including:
api ingatsby-browser.js
. - Another simpler solution with mostly CSS.
Both require to inject a piece of scripts before the body to select the proper theme for users. And if you want extend it to select the dark mode based on the user's preferred color scheme, you can add these lines:
const mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
const darkMode = mql.matches === true;
For an example of codes for dark themes, you can check out here https://github.com/bongnv/gatsby-dark-theme.
For myself, I learned a lot while implementing the dark theme. I eventually realize that I wouldn't need that knowledge because there is a simpler approach that requires CSS mostly. Such things happen normally, right? We often over-engineering a problem and it's why I believe we should always look for the best solution possible.
I would like to give credit to these posts that helped me to build my dark theme:
- https://joshwcomeau.com/gatsby/dark-mode/
- https://www.gatsbyjs.org/blog/2019-01-31-using-react-context-api-with-gatsby/
- https://github.com/mrcrmn/docc
Enjoy blogging!