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6 posts tagged with "go"

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Why group and order imports in Go?

· One min read

When reviewing Go code, I usually find imports are not orderly grouped. For example, 3rd party imports could be in the middle of builtin imports or a local import is placed before 3rd party imports. Besides the readability concern, there is a possibility of impacting the logic. In Go, the order of import packages will decide the order of package initialisations. Therefore, if you want to initialise built-in packages first, you should import all built-in packages before any other. And, you also may want to import 3rd party packages before any local packages. Naturally, the order will become built-in packages, 3rd party packages then local packages.

However, you may ask why do I need to initialise packages in order? The reason is that you don't know if any of those packages will have any explicit or implicit dependencies and if any of them will require a certain order of initialisation. As a safety measure, it's always good to import them in a reasonable.

Integration Testing with Github Actions

· 2 min read

Integration testing is another layer of testing after unit testing. It groups multiple modules together and applies functional tests to those groups. In the scope of a backend service, it could be testing your module against a database or an external service. In this post, we'll go through setting integration testing with Go, PostgreSQL, Flyway, Github Actions.

Let's start with this sample Go app. It includes Test_LoadDataFromDB to test the function LoadDataFromDB which has interactions with a PostgreSQL database. And looking at goapp_integration_test.go, you may notice these go:build lines:

//go:build integration
// +build integration

They are added so these tests will only run with a specific build tag:

go test -tags=integration

It'll help to separate integration tests from unit tests so you'll only run them for specific occasions.

The next step is to create a PostgreSQL service in our CI via service containers by adding these lines:

image: postgres:13
# Provide the password for postgres
- 5432:5432
# Set health checks to wait until postgres has started
options: >-
--health-cmd pg_isready
--health-interval 10s
--health-timeout 5s
--health-retries 5

If you need to set up the database before your integration tests, you could use flyway to run the migration script. And luckily, there is a Github action for that:

- uses: joshuaavalon/flyway-action@v1
url: jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/postgres
user: postgres
password: postgres
locations: filesystem:./migration/sql

In the above config, ./migration/sql is the path to migration SQL scripts.

Finally, you can just add the go test command to run integration tests. It will also run unit tests so no need to have a separate step for that:

- name: Run Tests
run: |
go test -v ./... -tags=integration

The work could be found in this repository. Although this is just a simplified version, you can just add more docker containers into your CI if your system is more complicated.

Pre-commit hooks with Go

· 2 min read

Git hook scripts are becoming more and more popular. We run our hooks on every commit to automatically point out some simple issues in code before submission to code review. By pointing out these issues in this early phase, it allows a faster feedback loop than waiting for CI. In Javascript world, it's husky that makes Git hooks easy. While in Go, Git hooks are still uncommon. In this post, we'll go through steps to use pre-commit to set up Git hook for a Go project.

The installation's pretty easy by following their document. I have a Macbook so I'll use brew to install it:

brew install pre-commit

Next, we'll add pre-commit configuration by creating a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml. You can either create the file from scratch or from a provided sample like:

 pre-commit sample-config > .pre-commit-config.yaml

The configuration file will look like:

- repo:
rev: v3.2.0
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: check-yaml
- id: check-added-large-files

Then I'll add the following lines in order to run golangci-lint before every commit that has Go files:

- repo:
rev: v1.41.1
- id: golangci-lint

For the full set of options, please check their document.

After that, run the below command to set up the git scripts:

pre-commit install

Now pre-commit will run automatically on git commit. You can also use pre-commit run -a to run the git hook against all files.

Yeap, that's all about it. For reference, you can find an example of using pre-commit in a Go project in this repo.

Dependency injection with Go

· 5 min read

One of the advantages of using Go is that programmers can quickly onboard and start writing code. And I've seen a colleague who was able to read Go code in the first day and submit code change for review in the third day. Because the language is simple and straightforward, Go programmers can start writing production code without much knowledge about OOP or design patterns like dependency injection. In this post, we'll discuss the importance of dependency injection and how to apply it in Go effectively.

What is dependency injection?

In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique in which an object receives other objects that it depends on. These other objects are called dependencies. In the typical "using" relationship the receiving object is called a client and the passed (that is, "injected") object is called a service. The code that passes the service to the client can be many kinds of things and is called the injector. Instead of the client specifying which service it will use, the injector tells the client what service to use. The "injection" refers to the passing of a dependency (a service) into the object (a client) that would use it.

The above is quoted from Wikipedia but I find it rather vague in Go context. So let's see how I understand it.

Firstly, what is a dependency? In my understanding, when a Go object or module (named A) depends on or relying on some functionalities from another Go object or module (named B), we will say B is a dependency of A. Then A can have multiple dependencies and B can be the dependency of different objects/modules. In reality, these connections only become more complicated over time when your business logic grow.

In this particular context, dependency injection is a technique in which the dependency B is passed ("injected") to A. This work can be done manually but it's usually boring and repetitive. Therefore, it's usually done with the help of a library. And in Java world, Dagger and Spring are famous libraries that handles dependency injection very well. In Go, dig works quite well.

Why should we use dependency injection?

Dependency injection basically implements the dependency inversion principle. Therefore, it allows to decouple modules or a high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, instead both should depend on abstractions (in Go, it's interfaces).

  • Modules are replacable and they can be replaced with mocks in order to improve Unit testing.
  • The application becomes more flexible as each module can be replaced, extended or upgraded easily.
  • Because modules are loose coupling, they can be developed in parallel hence to improve the development velocity.

In Go, proper dependency injection can help to stucture codes much better. Firstly, dependencies are clearly organized and defined by contracts and global variables are avoided as dependencies are now injected instead. Secondly, it also means better modularisation and the code itself becomes easier to understand or to read.

How to implement in Go?

However, manually injecting dependencies injection isn't clean and could be verbose. Without the help of a good library, the work can be manual and error-prone. Luckily there are some good libraries out there:

  • dip: Only supports to identify dependencies by types. As a result, there is a high chance of conflicts.
  • wire: Supprots dependency injection by generating code automatically. It's an interesting approach but still there is a huge amount of code generated which could be hard to review.

Considering writing an injector isn't difficult. I also wrote my own injector. It uses struct tags to indicate injection and then the library will use reflect to inject the dependencies.

// ServiceAImpl is the example of an implementation.
type ServiceAImpl struct {}

// ServiceBImpl is another example of implementation that need to be injected.
type ServiceBImpl struct {
// Here you can notice that ServiceBImpl requests a dependency with the type of *ServiceAImpl.
ServiceA *ServiceAImpl `injector:"auto"`

func yourInitFunc() {
i := injector.New()

// add ServiceAImpl to the injector

// create an instance of ServiceBImpl and inject its dependencies
b := &ServiceBImpl{}

It also allows initializing a dependency by functions and factories:

// ServiceA has Logger as a dependency
type ServiceA struct {
Logger Logger `injector:"logger"`

func newServiceA() (*ServiceA, error) {
// init your serviceA here

type ServiceB struct {
Logger Logger `injector:"logger"`

// Create creates a new instance of ServiceA
func (f ServiceBFactory) Create() (interface{}, error) {
// logic to create A via Config
return &ServiceB{}, nil

// init func
func yourInitFunc() {
i := injector.New()
i.Component("logger", Logger{}),
// serviceA will be created and registered, logger will also be injected

// Create ServiceB via Factory, dependencies will be injected.

To sum up

Usually, if the service is small, it maybe not worth to approach a library for dependency injection but you should always keep it in mind and always starting with the pattern. Otherwise, it will become a mess when the service scales to next level. It will be also easy to migrate if needs to.

Create a code generator with protoc

· 5 min read

If your system happens to have a microservices architecture, you may find it repetitive to scaffold new services or to add new endpoints. In such scenarios, Protocol Buffer emerges to be an excellent choice for writing API contracts and generating code. However, you sometimes may want to add a custom code but you're not sure how to to that. Actually, it's quite simple with protoc though. In this post, we will walk through how to create a code generator with protoc.

Getting started

Before getting started, make sure you have Go environment ready. It's also important to be familiar with Google protobuf. I highly recommend running through the Go tutorial to generate Go code for any given protocol definition if you're new to the stuff.

While running through the tutorial, you may notice that we need install protoc-gen-go in order to generate Go code. Yep, protoc-gen-go is a plugin of the protoc command written by Google and you can check out its source code. In this guide, we will write a similar program called protoc-gen-my-plugin to generate custom code. As the command to execute protoc-gen-go is like below:

protoc --proto_path=. --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative foo.proto

The command to execute our plugin will be like:

protoc --proto_path=. --my-plugin_out=. --my-plugin_opt=paths=source_relative foo.proto

In the above command, my-plugin_out specifies the output directory of the generated files and it also tells protoc to use protoc-gen-my-plugin to generate the custom code. my-plugin_opt specifies the option for running the plugin.

Okay, let's write a simple program to test it. At first, I simply use these commands to set up a new Go project:

mkdir protoc-gen-my-plugin
cd protoc-gen-my-plugin
go mod init
export PATH=$PATH:"$(pwd)" # so protoc can find our plugin

Next, create a simple main.go to just print a log:

package main

import (

func main() {
log.Println("protoc-gen-my-plugin is called")

We also need to draft a simple foo.proto as an example:

syntax = "proto3";

message Foo {}

After all, we can try our plugin and the log should be printed like below:

% go build && protoc --proto_path=. --my-plugin_out=. --my-plugin_opt=paths=source_relative foo.proto

2021/05/08 16:28:31 protoc-gen-my-plugin is called

Write logic to generate code

As protoc can find our plugin and execute it, now we need to write logic to generate code. It could be a New method for each message to create a new instance of that message to be used as a factory function. The generated code would look simple like below:

// New creates a new instance of Foo.
func (Foo) New() *Foo {
return &Foo{}

By implementation, protoc communicates with our plugin via stdin and stdout. However, protogen.Options already abstracts that logic so we can just use it to simplify the code by providing a callback function:

func main() {
log.Println("protoc-gen-my-plugin is called")
protogen.Options{}.Run(func(plugin *protogen.Plugin) error {
for _, file := range plugin.Files {
if !file.Generate {

if err := generateFile(plugin, file); err != nil {
return err

return nil

The callback function will take *protogen.Plugin as an input that should contain all necessary information to generate code. In the above example, I skip all proto files that don't require code generation and I call generateFile to generate a source file given a parsed proto file.

Let's look at the function generateFile:

func generateFile(p *protogen.Plugin, f *protogen.File) error {
// Skip generating file if there is no message.
if len(f.Messages) == 0 {
return nil

filename := f.GeneratedFilenamePrefix + "_my_plugin.pb.go"
g := p.NewGeneratedFile(filename, f.GoImportPath)
g.P("// Code generated by protoc-gen-my-plugin. DO NOT EDIT.")
g.P("package ", f.GoPackageName)

// generate factory functions
for _, m := range f.Messages {
msgName := m.GoIdent.GoName
g.P("// New creates a new instance of ", msgName, ".")
g.P("func (", msgName, ") New() *", msgName, " {")
g.P("return &", msgName, "{}")

return nil

I use f.Messages to retrieve the list of parsed messages from the proto file. We can also use f.Services for the list of parsed services if we need to scaffold a service. NewGeneratedFile here is used to create a new generated file and g.P is used to add a new line into the file. Check their API, there are lots of useful stuff.


Writing a protoc plugin isn't as complex as it sounds. With the help of protogen.Options and protogen.Plugin we can easily access the parsed information of proto files. And from that, we should be able to generate codes to improve the productivity of the development.

From my experience, it could be handy to scaffold a service including both gRPC and HTTP. It could be used to generate validator code, data entity or DAO to interact with the storage layer.


Safely Use Go Context to Pass Data

· 4 min read

Go context is an effective way to pass request-scoped data like requestID, authenticated users, locale information or logger. Instead of having a complex list of parameters in a function, we can use context.Context to pass data and then to simplify the function. Below is a function with and without using context to pass data.

// the function must take all request-scoped data.
func handlerLogic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, requestID string, *user *User, locale string, logger Logger) {
// some handler magic logic


// the function uses context.Context to store data; therefore, function signature is much simpler.
// ctx.Value is used to retrieve data when needed.
func handlerLogic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
requestID, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKeyRequestID)
// some handler magic logic

With context.Context, function signature becomes simpler and consistent. Not only is it easier to read, we can also write middlewares to add more functionalities. Below is an example of a middleware to inject requestID into the context:

func addRequestID(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), ctxKeyRequestID, uuid.NewString())
next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))

However, such convenience doesn't come with zero downside. Firstly, the dependency and input of a function become hidden. For example, a generic function func handlerLogic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) isn't enough to tell whether requestID is needed for the internal logic. We'll need to read requestID, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKeyRequestID) to know that requestID is needed and is extracted from the context. Such implicity isn't good for maintenance and is prone to error. Engineers will need to read the whole function in order to be aware of such dependencies.

The best solution is not to use context at all. However, if there is no better way, the data stored in context should be minimal and commonly accepted. My suggestion to mitigate that issue is to have descriptive comments to explicitly explain the dependency and input. The comment should include all information that is retrieved from the context.

Another compromise when using Go context is the missing of type information. Go context gives up type checking in order to gain the ability to write more versatile code. context.WithValue() and context.Value use interface{} to support different types of data and therefore there is no type checking at compile time. This is unclear to determine the what data is required and what data is expected. For example, ctx.Value(ctxKeyRequestID) can return a string or UUID object and which is unclear when reading the code.

One approach that I usually use is to implement a wrapper library to inject and retrieve data from context. First, it will centralize all pieces of information that we may expect from context. Secondly, it allows us to enforce what data should be injected and expected from context. Take requestID as an example, I would implement a wrapper like below:

package contextutil

type ctxKey int

const (
_ ctxKey = iota

// WithRequestID creates a new context that has requestID injected.
func WithRequestID(ctx context.Context, requestID string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyRequestID, requestID)

// RequestID tries to retrieve requestID from the given context.
// If it doesn't exist, an empty string is returned.
func RequestID(ctx context.Context) string {
if requestID, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKeyRequestID); ok {
return requestId.(string)

return ""

WithRequestID and RequestID are provided to ensure that requestID will always be a string. contextutil is also a good place to list all common information which could be found from the context. Once it becomes a convention, it's less likely to be surprised about what data we can retrieve from context hence to make the codes more predictable.

In general, I like Go context idea to pass data through the program while processing a request which helps to make codes cleaner. However, I find it useful, handy and prone to errors at the same time. Although having a wrapper somehow limits the downside, I believe the best solution is still to limit the use of Go context to pass data.